Reviews Galore, Part 4

Mixing is one of my favorite parts of painting. I enjoy the “whoosh” of watercolor paints, the wonderful variety of techniques and the unexpected surprises seen with this art medium. I am not an expert watercolorist. In fact, I’d consider myself a beginner, in spite of the eight years I’ve been using watercolors. Nevertheless, I LOVE watercolor painting. My results aren’t as important to me as the enjoyment and peace I get from the process.

Mixing; lowest ranked to highest ranked:

Fine Touch

Master’s Touch

Castle Arts



My Art Scape


Mei Liange

Art Whale

Van Gogh

And our TOP student grade watercolors for mixing is…


The Marie’s I’m testing is the Marie’s Water Colour– 18-12ml tubes. There are several different types of Marie’s watercolor paints. These are the student grade set. There’s also a “Chinese Painting set”, which I’ve never used but have read poor reviews on that set.

It was difficult to choose the order of these paints in this test, as most mixed well both on the palette and on the paper, made lovely usable colors when mixed together, and were enjoyable to play around with. The lowest rated paints were also the cheapest, if I remember correctly. Which, again, could indicate more filler and less pigment.

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