Use What’s On Your Desk

I’ve been making quite a few art journals lately. Today I suddenly realized I had about a four inch space to work in, looked up and was stunned to see the catastrophe which is my work top. I remembered a series by Shabbydabbydoodah which is seven days of working with what’s on your desk. Since I’ve fallen down on our monthly challenges, I thought we could end the year with this one.

Given the enormous amount of junk on my desk, I’m excited to see how much stuff I can make from it in seven days. I’m going to keep the projects together and show you all of them once the week is up. And I’m only using what is currently on my desk. Otherwise it’s just any other arting project.

If you’re up for the challenge- and I’m in no way suggesting your work top is anywhere near the disaster mine has become-let’s see how much we can use up in one week. At the very least it will stretch our creative muscles by using only what’s there.

Full disclosure: I did clear the stuff from my desk so I had some room to work. It’s all here on the floor next to me and I won’t use anything that wasn’t originally on the desk.

The Best of 2020

Well, these are the best things that have happened in my life in the year of infamy, 2020:

  • Scott and I spent more time together this year than, probably, the past 10 years combined. We discovered we not only still love each other, we still like each other. This is good to know.
  • We met our precious California grandchildren for the first time. We’ve developed relationships with them which will last a life time.
  • Erin and our grandchildren moved out of our home, after living here 10 years. This is beneficial for both their family and the two of us.
  • Our son’s engagement ended, along with that relationship. He’s found love with a truly spectacular young woman. This is a girl we also love and are thrilled for them both.
  • Scott was able to work from home with no loss of income.
  • We were able to complete 3/4ths of our home updates, remodeling and outdoor projects. All that remains are the three upstairs bedrooms and the finished basement.
  • We were able to do all our home improvement/remodeling with cash.
  • We greatly reduced our possessions and have packed up most of the non-essentials, which are in the storage unit.
  • Our health problems resulted in a couple surgical corrections for both of us. These have improved our quality of life.
  • No one in our immediate family has contracted Covid.

As you can see, even in “the year of the plague”-as my mom calls it-there is much to be thankful for. As I have experienced a worsening in my depression these past few months, it’s good to put things in perspective. Even though times are tough right now, there are still positives in life. In my case, there are many.

My prayer is you and your family are safe and well during these challenging times. If you, too, are experiencing negative effects from isolation, restricting mandates, boredom, limited physical activity, over eating and a host of other issues due to the pandemic, take a moment to reflect on those things which are positive in your life. There is at least one thing, very possibly several. Sometimes seeing bright spots in the dark can make all the difference in our outlook and attitude.

May God bless you and keep you. May He shine His face upon you and be gracious unto you. May He give you peace. Amen.

May Your Christmas be Blessed

Even though we’re all adjusting to the differences this year has brought to our lives, we can be thankful we have ways to spend time together while apart. The amazing abilities of technology to help us remain in touch and connected to each other in spite of our physical distance is truly something to be thankful for.

So no matter how you and your loved ones spent the holiday, my hope is you experienced as much joy as possible during this truly unique Christmas season.

Ours was limited. We did our family get together via zoom calls. We ate separately, but together. We enjoyed the kids opening their gifts from a distance. We shared the holiday together, while apart. I’m sure our family’s experience mirrors many of yours.

In spite of the challenges and difficulties of this past year, there is much we can still be thankful for. One of the things I’m most thankful for currently is that 2020 is nearly over. While there’s no assurance 2021 will be any better, there is a sense of this tumultuous year finally being behind us and we can move forward toward a more normal life.

So please stay safe and well as we head into 2021. Much love to you all.

Good Grief! I Thought I had Another Week!

Christmas has snuck up on me, apparently. I thought I had another week. I’m still waiting on two gifts, which I had to re-order. They were supposed to be here December 4. I contacted the seller to inquire. Their response was they sent them, they must have been lost in transit and they’d refund my money.

Well, that’s not what I need. I need the gifts.

So I re-ordered. Not exactly what I’d ordered the first time, as they were no longer on sale. I picked an alternative in the price range I needed.

This ticks me off. The two gifts coordinated perfectly with another gift I’m giving the girls. Oh, well, they’ll never know what they didn’t get…

Is anyone else so excited 2020 is almost over? What a surreal year we’ve had, huh? One for the history books, that’s for sure.

The Situation

On our way home from my treatment in Ann Arbor, Scott told me his company is seriously considering selling their fleet of trucks. Upper management is meeting with two very interested parties. The board has already met concerning the possible sale. The decision is supposed to be made in mid-January.

This would mean my husband would be out of a job.

With the severance package, we’d be able to finish the house and move to AZ. We’d have to purchase insurance until he found a job in AZ which includes it. Which is where my concern comes in: what if he can’t find work which includes medical benefits? I’m not worried he’ll be able to find a job, as he can do anything. But the insurance thing is an issue for me.

I’m just praying God makes the decision which is best for us. Because I have no idea what that is at this point.

Happy Frugal Holidays: Gifts, Part 8

These suggestions are a bit more costly than my others, but they may be the very thing our loved ones need at this time.

Paying for your loved ones cable or movie channels. Many of us are experiencing Covid Burnout. For those who are truly isolated, a variety of channels can offer some distraction from this.

E-Readers, while more costly than most of my suggestions, can be a tremendous blessing to those who are struggling with boredom from our current isolation. This link provides an evaluation of several.

My Kindle is where I have most of my Bible research books. My actual books have been packed up and are in storage. These are important to me and I treasure them, but having them on my Kindle is a huge convenience. If your loved one has a particular interest, hobby, genre of books-load it up with several of these.

If you have several relatives/friends who share a hobby-begin a swap group. For example, if you know people who sew you could organize a group to swap quilt blocks. Most people who sew have an abundance of fabric. Your swap might be a “scrappy block”. They use what they already have on hand, which costs them nothing, and they end up with a very special quilt top at the end. This could even be a church, school, or community swap. The more the better! Make sure they include their names and the date. I’ve not participated in swaps, as my health issues could cause me to flake. But for many people, these are great ways to connect with others and gives them something to do with the time on their hands.

Start an online book club, gardening club or bible study group.

Family history/genealogy group. This is a wonderful opportunity to give our seasoned relatives the chance to share their memories of your family history. Gather all their stories together and create a book for everyone. Include photos and memorabilia- which you scan-too. This gives our isolated loved ones the opportunity to share their memories and provides a great, frugal, project to occupy their time.

Kids can do the same. For example, ask your kids to share their favorite memories of their childhood, their Grandparents, their holidays-pick your topic. Create a book which will be treasured by their grandparents forever.

This post is inspired by a recent suicide in our community. The realities of isolation has hit us hard. My primary concern is for the safety and mental health of our loved ones and neighbors. If we can give the gift of community, in spite of being physically separated, we may make the difference in someone’s life who is really struggling with these trying times.

If you have more ideas or suggestions, please include them in the comments. We must do what we can to lighten the burdens our friends, families and neighbors are carrying right now. If we set aside our political differences, anger and frustration with our current situation, and any other minor issues we’re facing-and here’s the truth folks: it’s all minor stuff-we can bring hope and love to those around us.

When you consider there’s a real possibility someone may end their life because of this stuff-is it really so difficult to set aside things which divide us and unite to help those who are suffering? Isn’t that what this season is all about? Sharing love to all mankind. And that, friends, may be the greatest gift we can give. The gift of compassion, care and understanding to those in our lives. May God bless you all.

Some Days are Just Like That

We’ve been struggling with a plugged pipe for the last couple of weeks. It’s the one from my kitchen sink/dishwasher. My husband has tried a snake, a stick and even removing some of the gunk by hand. This was last weekend.

My brother-in-law is an electrician and plumber. He suggested something you insert into the trap. This creates a seal. Then you run hot water into it and it sprays the clog to soften and loosen it. Works really well. Until it doesn’t.

Our problem was there was a bend in the pipe. This prevented a secure seal. The water went in for awhile, then blew the rubber device apart. Which, in turn, blew the hot water/disgusting stuff mixture out the trap into my son’s closet and bedroom.

This was a truly horrific mess. Everything he owns was covered in wretch-worthy stinking filthy water. So the three of us worked together to clean the mess up. And it took most of the afternoon. With all the windows open (in Michigan in mid-December) and some serious power cleaning, we got everything pulled back together. And the house actually smells fresh and clean.

Honestly, without bad luck we wouldn’t have any…

So my brother-in-law is ordering another one of these things and we will be able to insert it past the bend, which will provide a secure seal. Then the hot water will work through the clog and force it out into the septic tank. Thus fixing this unfortunate pipe clog issue.

We’ve decided since Erin and the kids moved out, there has been so much less hot water usage, the gunk solidified into a mass. Unpleasant, to be sure, but soon rectified.

I hope.

My son was a trooper. He said, hey things could be worse. It could have been last week with all the gunk instead of today with just the gross water. God bless him! To have such a bright and sunny outlook when everything in his closet was doused is pretty amazing. I didn’t handle it nearly as well. I felt just awful for him and cried as I was cleaning the mess up. He told me not to get upset about this, it’s not a big deal.

If felt like a big deal to me.

So we’re all showered and the laundry has all been washed. The room is cleaner than it’s ever been. The carpet smells fresh and clean. And the house is warming back up nicely.

So I guess he was right. It could have been much worse…

The Candied Christmas Journal

is finally finished! I added the lace to the cover, the ribbon for closures and the perfect lace for the spine. Then I added a small cluster to the front and we’re done!

Adorable finished journal! (Check out Shabbydabbydoodah on Etsy to find this lovely digital kit.) I’m really pleased with the end result. I particularly enjoyed the soft pastel colors, which is a nice change from the traditional red and green usually seen.

There was so many extras included in the kit, I filled a pocket with the ones I didn’t use. Just in case whoever gets this journal (happy frugal holidays!) wants to add them somewhere. I was able to use several of my spray inked papers, as they were primarily in pink and pale green. These worked perfectly with the colors of the Candied Christmas kit.

I used lots of white lace, pink lace, blue and aqua ribbons and some flat backed pearls for extra fun. I also printed several sheets of commonly used holiday words and phrases, which I added liberally throughout. Since I don’t recall ever making a Christmas journal before, it was a fun change of pace for me.

May your holidays be safe and happy, in spite of it all!

And His Mouth Fell Open

As I’ve mentioned, often, I am not a computer person. At all. Apparently I didn’t know something EVERY SINGLE PERSON ON EARTH KNOWS.

Including infants.

I made a comment, which I am not going to share due to my acute embarrassment, which caused my long-suffering husband’s jaw to drop.

Actually, literally DROP.

He gaped at me with a look of stunned disbelief. I said, “What?” Completely unaware of my stupidity. At this point he began to laugh. You know one of those deep, huge belly laughs that shakes your whole body and makes tears roll down your face…

Well, fine! Yuck it up, laughing boy! I’ll make EASY QUICHE and I’m not even kidding! Laugh at me! HA!

That’d teach him…