A Prayer Request

A little girl we know has been suffering from some very unusual physical problems. The issue has been found, and it’s not good. She has Chari malformation.

At this point, the child has lost half her hearing. She’s going in for surgery, although she probably thinks it’s for another kidney thing as she’s had several of those in an effort to correct that problem. (The kidney thing began immediately after birth and has been a problem ever since.) The hope is this brain surgery will prevent further hearing loss. She will need hearing aids. I don’t know if cochlear implants are an option for her given her acute, and frail, medical condition. Her parents have not told her about this and I don’t know if they will. She’s seven years old.

If you could, please say a prayer for Lily. She’s a precious little girl with lots of serious obstacles to overcome. Please pray for her family as well. This has been another tragic situation in a long line of tragic situations this family has endured.

Thank you so much. Lily needs all the prayers she can get.